Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Planning Interview Questions
Interview Questions For:
Callum McInnes
-Do you think it is fair to be stereotyped?
-What social group would you associate with and why?
-What are your hobbies?
-Where do you socialise outside school?
-Who or what has influenced the way you dress?
-Have you ever felt any peer pressure to do something?
-How do you think older people in society view teenagers of today?
-What are your views on the scally social group?
-What are the views on the punk social group?
-Do you think it is wrong to just label people?
-What type of music do you listen to?
-Where do you tend to shop for clothes?
-Is your opinion of people affected by how they dress or what music they listen to?
-Can celebrity icons like Marilyn Manson having an influence on teenagers be deemed as a bad thing?
-Do you think you will still be dressing the same and listening to the same music in 10 years time?
-Are subcultures just a teenage thing?
-What is your understanding of the term, subculture?
-Do you think people understand you?
Sociology teacher
-What is your understanding of the term ‘subculture’?
-Is ‘subculture’ a teenage thing?
-Why are people affected by peer pressure?
-What do you think of teenagers today?
-What does the term ‘conforming’ mean?
-Why do teenagers conform to a social group, what are their motivations?
-Why is it that people conform to social groups?
-Does an icon or celebrity have the power to influence someone’s actions?
-What do you think is the stereotype of a ‘scally’?
-What would you say is the stereotype of a ‘goth’ is?
-Do you think it is fair for people to be stereotyped?
-Why are people affected by peer pressure?
-Where you ever part of social group?
-Are people affected psychologically by a group or do they feel the need to impress?
-Is being in a group part of growing up?
Josh Gilroy
-What type of music do you listen to?
-Where do you tend to shop for clothes?
-Who or what has inspired you and why?
-What are your hobbies?
-Where do you socialise outside of school?
-Is your opinion of someone affected by the clothes they wear and the music they listen to?
-Would you say ‘labelling’ somebody is a form of bullying?
-Do any celebrity icons influence you?
-Tell us what you know about the punk revolution
-Do you think its fair to be stereotyped?
-How do you think older people in society view the teenagers of today?
-Would you say you come across intimidating to people?
-Do you think people ‘understand’ you?
-What do you think of Marilyn Manson?
-What do you think of the band Green Day?
Lee Farragher
Have you ever been arrested, if so what for?
What sort of people do you hang around with outside of school?
Why do you dress the way you do?
What would you say is the stereotype of a scally?
Do you think people are intimidated by you?
Do you think you are judged by what you wear?
What do you work as?
Are you bothered by people thinking you are part of this stereotype, as a scally?
Would you ever stereotype anyone for the way they dressed or for what music they listened to?
What sort of music do you listen to?
Lisa Smedley
Who would you say has inspired you and why?
Where do you like to socialize outside of school?
Would you say people are intimidated by you?
Are there people that you are intimidated by?
What do you understand by the term ‘subculture’?
Would you say you conform to any particular subculture/social group?
Why do you act the way you do?
Do you think people understand you?
Do you want people to understand you?
What sort of music do you listen to?
What do you think of the musician Marilyn Manson?
Would you say Marilyn Manson has a negative effect on teenagers?
Do you stereotype people, if so why, what makes you stereotype them?
Have you ever been arrested, if you have, what was it for?
Why do you wear the clothes that you wear?
What school do you go to?
What would you say about the environment in school?
Do you consider yourself as a sort of rebel against society?
What do you think of the social group ‘scallys’?
What do you think of Goths?
What do you think of punks?
Is there any social group you would like to be associated with?
Dean Carr
-During your younger teenage years, did you feel that you had to be a part of a gang/group?
-Tell me what you think the stereotype of a ‘scally’ is?
-How did you act/behave when you were part of the ‘group’?
-What influenced your actions?
-Where people ever intimidated you?
-Do you think it is fair for people to be stereotyped?
-Do you think being part of a group is part of growing up?
-What did your parents think of you when you where younger?
-What did your teachers used to think of you when you where in school?
-When you left school did you drift away from your friends
-Have you quietened known now since you have left school?
-Have you ever been stopped by the police?
-What do you think of teenagers today?
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Questionnaire results
1. What is your gender?
Female: 16
Male: 14
In conclusion female filled out the most questionnaires, however the documentary is going to be aimed at both sexes.
2. What age group are you?
In conclusion the majority of the people who filled out the questionnaire where young teenagers between the ages of 14-17, This age group is going to be the target audience for our documentary.
3. What is your favourite colour?
In conclusion to the results shown, the vast majority of people had chosen that their favourite colour was green, followed by red, hopefully this will give my group a good idea of what colours we will be using for our documentary for example the colour of the title.
4. What channels do you watch the most? According to the pie chart the television channel which is mostly watched is channel four, this gives my group the decision that we will be broadcasting our documentary on channel 4 as it is the popular channel which is watched the most.
5. What times do you watch TV? In conclusion to the bar chart, the times which people watch television the most is at Post watershed time, this is programmes which are programmed after nine o’clock. But because my group have decided to have the target audience at a younger age, we have decided to film our documentary at peak time but a little bit later in the evening before nine o’clock.
6. What is your favourite music? According to the pie chart the most popular genre of music which people prefer is dance which is then followed by Indie.
7. What does subculture mean to you?According to the pie chart, the people who we filled out our questionnaires nearly 50% of the people did not know what it meant, but 12 out of 30 people got it right as it means different types of social groups.
8. What is your favourite band Favourite band?
In conclusion to the pie chart, there are a lot of different bands which people chose as their favourite. As there is many different types of people from different groups, people have completely different tastes of music to each over. Over all in conclusion, Jackson five was the most favourite band.
9. Where do you socialise?
In conclusion to the pie chart, a quarter of people chose socialising at mates houses where mostly where socialised then followed by college.
10. Which clothes shops do you use regularly?
In conclusion to the pie chart, people mostly shopped at Primark then followed by Republic,
11.Have you ever felt pressure to conform to a social group?
Yes: 20
In conclusion 60% of people on the questionnaire truly said that they have never felt peer pressured amongst a group of people, but the other 30% of people admitted to
being peer pressured at some stage of their life. However people could not be telling the truth therefore this could not be valid.
12.What 3 words would you use to describe each of the following?
PUNKS On our questionnaire results people had different opinions towards each subculture they said that punks was describes as
Crazy hair
EMOS where described as
Goths where described as
Scallies where described as
Gold chains
Wanna bees
In conclusion different people have very different views towards the different subculture groups in society
Friday, 2 October 2009
Audience research
1. What is your gender?
Male Female
2. What age are group are you in
14 – 17 18- 21 22 – 30 31+
3. What is your favourite colour?
Red Pink Green Blue Yellow
Other (please state) ___________
4. What channels do you watch the most? (please ring one)
Other (please state) ___________
5.What times do you watch TV?
- Breakfast time (morning) - Daytime (daytime)
- Peak time (evening) - Post watershed (after 9 ‘o clock)
6.What is your favourite style of music?
(please state) _______________
7.What does the term ‘subculture’ mean to you?
8.Who is your favourite band?
(please state) ___________________________________________
9.Where do you socialise?
(please state) ___________________________________________
10.Which clothes shop do you use regularly?
(please state) ___________________________________________
11. Have you ever felt pressure to conform to a social group?
12.What 3 words would you use to describe each of the following?
Punks __________ __________ __________
Emos __________ __________ __________
Rockers __________ __________ __________
Goths __________ __________ __________
Scallies__________ __________ __________