After we filmed all the footage for our documentary we used Adobe Premiere software to edit it and constructed the first five minutes of our documentary. We also had a logging sheet which we kept logs and an order of what footage we had filmed, and what we didn’t film. The first thing we worked on was the opening titles to our documentary, originally we had planned to start the programme with a montage of clips from our overall documentary, but after making our minds as a group we decided it would look more effective if we started the documentary of a montage of different clips of the different subcultures we where doing about in the programme, all cutting after each other before our title.
Our title 'Fitting In' appears in the middle of the screen on a black background and out fades into the documentary. After trying out the different fonts and styles for our title, we decided to just have the word 'Fitting' in the screen in a red font and then the idea of the 'in' in the word 'fitting' which would be changed and highlighted in blue so it symbolizes 'fitting in'. After trying it out and playing it back we decided it did look eye catching and decided to have that as our opening title. Which would appear on the screen over an image of one of the subcultures, which then the screen fades to black into the background.
While editing we found that there where a few errors which we needed to change, for example when looking at our running order we had planned to have a voxpop after our opening titles, which had worked well but we were stuck on having something in between the voxpop and our interviews’ that would link the programme together. We where originally going to use footage from Lee Evans' stand-up show DVD as he criticizes teenagers, but after playing around with the footage,we decided it was not relevant and the information we wanted from the DVD was too short to use anyway. In the end we found clips from music videos by artists that have been known to have a strong link to some of the subcultures we have used in our programme. Which included Eminem and Marilyn Manson, we mixed the archive footage together with more still images of subcultures and teenagers so we decided that it would link to the voice over we could use to introduce the documentary.
I then helped to edit through the six interviews that we had filmed with Dean Carr, Callum McIness, Mr Quinn, Lisa Smeadley, Lee Farragher and Josh Gilroy. We wanted to use their answers but to also make some sense when putting together. I found that Josh Gilroy's answers were not of any use; even though we had eight minutes of an interview with him none of his answers were use able because they did not fit in with the theme of the programme. This was because we could not interpret what the questions were that he had been asked.
In Deans and Callum's interview they both gave appropriate answers to their stereotypes . With Lisa and Lee's interviews we saw what it felt like to be stereotyped but they did not necessarily follow their stereotype. Mr.Quinn's interview is the main vocal point of our documentary in the way that it is the first interview in the running order and his explanation of what a subculture is sets everything in motion, its the foundation that states what this documentary is about.
We decided to edit the interviews together to create meaning. Which would be to have Callum's interview starting off the interviews with the teenagers cutting straight into Dean's interview. Dean mentions at the end of his interview the stereotypical view people have on scallies and we thought it would link well if Lee's interview cuts and comes in straight after Dean's explanation, which worked very well.
After all the interviews had been edited and where put into order, we went through all the other footage to decide what types of cutaways we could use for each different interview. The main cutaway we thought was amazing as it stuck like glue was Mr.Quinn's interview as he talks about teenagers as he says '...the way they dress' and we edited it exactly to put footage of teenage emo kids that Joel filmed walking down the street, so we used that as the cutaway. A lot of the cutaways we used for Lee, Dean and Lisa where mainly still images which we had found on the Internet. Which they did link to what the two interviewees said. However we also had to film a pan down of Lee and the clothes he wore on the day of his interview so it would indicate with a line what he said in the interview'"the clothes I wear for college'".
When deciding which song to use which would come on as soon as the documentary started, i came up the idea of the song, "teenage dirt bag". I thought the song was highly appropriate as it linked in very well with the subject of the documentary, as it is based on teenagers and their different subcultures. I overall think that the song which was used put the over all effect to our documentary.
Overall I reckon the editing process went very well. We also did not have to film anything extra because because we had enough footage, however we did have to add quite a lot of achieve material to link the whole programme together. I also agree that the way we have edited our interviews and archive footage, and the way the archive footage is used as cutaways worked very well overall.
The screen grabs below are examples of editing which we had done while making the documentary

The two screengrabs of the "Fitting in" is showing how we made the title for our documentary

The screengrab above was used for a cutaway in Mr Quinns interview. It was used when he said about says " children behavouring differently" we had to edit this so that it was long enough for when Mr quinn said that line.
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